
Auntie, look at me!

I had Sophie overnight while JonJo picked up Kylie from Grandma's house and had a Valley Fair day.

That was the phrase of the weekend. "Auntie, look at me" "Watch me!" And every time I was mondo impressed!

Jumping on a pogo stick sort of thing from Grandma Yaya

Love this picture.

Hung said pogo stick from the chin

Swing said pogo stick around. Many, many times.

Watering the driveway. It was important to get the whole thing wet. Until she was a couple of buckets in and lost interest.

Bubbles pretty much kept us busy the rest of the time. She blew bubbles. I blew bubbles, she caught them. She was especially impressed with my, catch the bubble on the wand without popping it, trick. That's right. Auntie's got skills!

In case anyone is wondering how beautiful my singing voices is - we were jammin' to some tunes, and every time I would sing, she would put her hand over my mouth, look at me sternly and say, "Auntie, you no talk."

Let's not forget this beautiful mutt still exists. Love you Dakota!!

New phrase of the weekend: "You can sit there and mope if you want, just don't touch that."

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