
Dragon Boat Races

It is true you have to be hard core to live in Duluth. Today's example was the Dragon Boat Races. It was raining. Pouring from the heavens. The race goes on, the spectators still come (with better parking spots), and the food trucks still hang out. It's a grand old time! 

Jo raced on a team with her friend Hillary. They have some sexy outfits for the big day:
Keep your distance fellas, these two are taken! 

I had the pleasure of pulling off the drowned rat look: 

This was a pretty cute attempt at staying dry: 

Some pre-race splashing: 

Easy to see the rain in this picture. 

And they're off! 

Happy crew, having won their heat: 

The tent for the crew between races, and children wanting attention. 

And one more for good measure: 


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