
Love is the weirdest thing...

No secret, children are annoying. Up until Kylie was born, every single solitary human under the age of 18 fell into this category for me. Then Sophie came along, and I've got two children who aren't constantly annoying (even they have their moments).

This week with Sophie and my mom has been great. She is so cute! Doing all these adorable thing, making cute faces. It has been fantastic!

Today at work, a little girl the same age and look as Sophie walked by my office being as annoying as annoying can be. Ugh. One moment later I realized she did almost the exact same thing as Sophie did the night before. Which I found so far beyond adorable I couldn't handle it.

That love filter those kids come with is a powerful SonOfAGun!

Here are some of those adorable pictures:

"Happy Nose Spider!"

Grandma drawing a cat

"Auntie, take a picture!"

Kid loves hide and seek
Loves climbing up to my high chairs. 

Insists on eating her brownie with a fork. 

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