
Ginger on a field trip? Good luck!

For those of you who don't know me personally, I am not a morning person. As in, my picture is next to the dictionary definition of "not a morning person." As in, I have specified with any landlord I have ever had, I specifically say - nothing done at the house before 10:00 am. With all of this in mind, and my body still on Washington time, Kylie decide it would be a GREAT idea for me to come on a field trip. To a train museum. With a bunch of first graders and kindergartners. At freaking 9:30 aka 7:30. And (thanks to morning planning) no coffee. I can't say no to that face, so off we went. She loves me so much, and is so excited to spend time with me, she comes down to say hello at 6:30 aka 4:30 am. We hang out until the sun comes up, then she gets ready for school, and I go back to sleep.   

I walk into the school (a small school, to be sure) and everyone who saw me just said oh, you must be Kylie's aunt. Yup. Everyone was very nice, the parents were great - friendly and welcoming. She goes to a private school, so I was expecting a lot more snootiness, a lot nicer clothes, and judgement for my...well...me-ness. Shame on me for assuming. Being in Duluth beats being in a private school. The parents were great (both moms and dads went on the trip), everyone was normal (by Duluth standards), kind, and interested to finally meet the person Kylie has been talking about forever. I was only in charge of two children, the other of which ended up with her dad there, so I was pretty much off the hook. Both children survived! Not even a scratch or a tear! I'm a winner!!

The boys said, "no girls allowed!" Kylie said nothing and took over the boxcar. That's my girl!

There were movies to watch.

Thanks to my dad's obsession with old cars, there are approximately 600 pictures of me in front of antique cars. I thought I'd keep the tradition alive. 

 I let Kylie pick out my outfit for the day. Clearly that meant we had to match. Stripes!


She didn't let go of my hand much. I didn't mind being dragged around when she's the one dragging.

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