
The Aquarium

To my mind, The Great Lakes Aquarium is a great way to waste an afternoon! Kids can spend hours there, be amused, learn stuff (maybe) and it's great fun!

Stuff to look at! Maybe ducks? 

Playing otter! 

Look! A caribou! 

Whaaat?? A moose!! 

So much running!!

The always cool water stuff! 

Look at these cool animals!

Scuba Diving! 

I think Kylie thought it was more about drowning under water than diving...this was her for real face. On purpose.

Best of all, a tank of fish that you can "pet"...with one finger.... as they swim by. But still, so cool! (Full disclosure, I did touch a fish and do not feel the need to do so again.) 

Sophie was more of the "touch from the outside of the tank" mentality. 

One even reminded me of a Myth-buster!

 No, you're not seeing that wrong. Some of the fish poked noses out of the water to smell around at us. 

Total time spent: 2 hours. Including drive time. Eff. What am I going to do with the rest of the day!

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