

I've often been dubbed a "germophobe". While kids have definitely broken me in a little bit, I still find it disgusting to have shoes worn in our house (or, anybody's really!). Nevermind we have two little munchkins close to the ground, playing on the floor, eating things off the floor, etc. I just can't fathom the amount of YUCK we carry into our homes by not taking our shoes off. Would it ever occur to you to lay on the floor at Target, Walmart, or Cub? How is it any different then when you walk around those places and then fail to remove your shoes at home? To me it isn't. So in search of data to back up my craziness, I found this article. It's not scientific by any means, but paints the picture pretty well. This sums it up: The easiest way to ensure that you don't track the germs on your shoe soles into your home is to leave your shoes at the door or carry them to the closet. Then you should wash your hands.


And yes, we all four practice this. Sophie is already used to washing her hands in the sink!

(Stepping off soapbox now)

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